Man See Yee Election Stories

Man See Yee Election Stories

<< Big Four Junior’s Puzzle >>

Hi everyone, I am a BIG FOUR junior. Have been working in BIG FOUR for several years, leart a lot with lots of OTs.

What should be my next step? Stay in BIG FOUR, be a CPA(Practising) or a PAIB?

"Entrepreneur supporting plan" - Clients sourcing not a problem anymore!
"Accountant INED program" - Be a PAIB and can find an INED part-time!

Great! I can have much more choices now!

<< PAIB’s Difficulties >>

Hi everyone, I am a PAIB. After years in the commercial world, now I am the head of account department, quite a respectable position! :)

My company is a small company, there seems no further room for my career development, what should I do?!?

"Accountant INED program" - Be an INED! Another source of income with good social status! Great!

Now I can have a platform for making lots of new friends, be an INED with additional money and ……… Great!

<< Practising CPA’s issues >>

Hi everyone, I am a practising CPA. After years of hardship, I finally get the practising certificate. Now I have my own CPA firm. Everyone think I am a very successful person.

Although I am a boss now, but you know, it is really not an easy job. The escalating salaries and rental is killing me. Sometime I wonder if I will be better off by being an employee again!

"Entrepreneur supporting plan" - Clients sourcing not a problem anymore!
"Accountant INED program" - I can find an INED easily now!

It's great! With these two plans, I don't need to worry anymore and can focus,on developing my business now!

<< BIG FOUR managers’ Problems >>

Hi everyone, I am a respectful manager in BIG FOUR with very good remuneration package and social status.

However, my status now comes with uncountable overnights' work. My Future? Should I continue or should I find a way out?!?

"Entrepreneur supporting plan" - Clients sourcing not a problem if I become a practising CPA!
"Accountant INED program" - I can find an INED easily and can have income during my transitional period!

Great! I can plan again my future road now!

<< Accounting Students’ Choice >>

Hi everyone, I am an accounting student graduating this year!

I am now trying to figure out how my career should be developed. Should I be an accountant or not?

"Entrepreneur supporting plan"?
"Accountant INED program"?

It seems being an accountant is a great choice for my future!

<< Shadow PC’s Pain >>

Hi everyone, I am a practising CPA, but client sourcing is really a huge problem for me!

Now I work as a shadow CPA and earning "Signing Fee", I have to sign any report with issues and problems for a small amount of money. Yes, it is risky, but I have no choice!

"Entrepreneur supporting plan" - Clients sourcing not a problem if I become a practising CPA!
"Accountant INED program" - I can find an INED easily!

Great! With these two plans, I finally can have control on my life now!

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»思怡會計師事務所開張 - 二零一四年二月二十六日各界好友
思怡會計師事務所開張 - 二零一四年二月二十六日各界好友
»思怡會計師事務所開張 - 二零一四年二月二十五日各界青年會
思怡會計師事務所開張 - 二零一四年二月二十五日各界青年會

Date published: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 03:05:58 -0500

政府致力將香港構建成跨國供應鏈管理中心,投資推廣署指,本港具備完善的硬件及軟實力,足以吸引企業利用香港來管理跨國的供應鏈運作。有企業就覷準香港資本市場發達、具地理優勢等而到來投資。 供應鏈管 ...

Date published: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 16:05:32 +0800